Sunday, September 1, 2019

Business owners: Learn how to create free time and peace in your life

One morning I woke up and decided I no longer wanted every minute of my day to be filled with “things” I was doing for other people.

I had a lot of time during each day where I was home. Since that was the case, people assumed I was simply sitting there, on my butt, drinking coffee and eating chocolate. Not true. I was running two businesses and schooling my son! In addition, I was writing for an online magazine, writing books and caring for my home and family. I would say my days were pretty damn full.
People were constantly asking me to do things for them…bake them this or take them here or there. Can you help me move? Can you teach a class for me? And so forth and so on.
Is this you? Can you feel my frustration? If so, I can help you!

First things first…
Learn to say, no. Go ahead and give it a try. Can you pick up my groceries for me today?  (You say no here) Can you watch my child for me today? (Your turn) Can you fill in for me at work tomorrow? (Go ahead…one more time) NO!  And you owe them no explanations either. No is no. Period.
You’ve got it. Now don’t feel bad about saying it. Your peace and your time are valuable, and no one has the right to take that from you. You now have the tools; it is time to take control of your life.

If you work from home, you need to teach people to respect your time. Set boundaries by explaining to people that you work from home and will not be accepting calls between such and such hours. Then, stick to it and do not accept the calls.
No barging into your home office asking what you will be having for dinner. No “quick questions”. Nothing. You deserve to have your time respected and you have to be the one to enforce your rules.

Put first things first and secondly together. Say no and enforce your rules. Free time, managed days and peace will ensue.

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